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+43 1 369 7474 (reachable 7:00-21:00)

+43 1 369 7474 (reachable 7:00-21:00) Appointment by arrangement

+43 1 369 7474 (reachable 7:00-21:00) Appointment by arrangement

Acupuncture in pain therapy

Chronic and acute clinical pictures are treated here. Symptoms are caused by the interruption of qi flow, which can be restored by the stimulation of acupuncture needles.

In sports medicine, acupuncture is very popular as a tool because it provides relief for a variety of acute symptoms.

Acupuncture can be used in pain management, orthopedics and musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain, fibromyalgia, shoulder-arm syndrome and tension. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine based on the idea that vital energy (Qi) flows through meridians in the body, and that pain and disease result from blockages or disruptions in this flow.

Acupuncture involves placing fine needles at specific points along the meridians to regulate the flow of energy in the body and restore balance. Stimulation of these points also releases the body’s own painkillers, such as endorphins, which can relieve pain.

In orthopedics and musculoskeletal complaints, acupuncture can be used to relieve pain, for example, to treat pain in the back, shoulders or joints. For fibromyalgia, acupuncture can also provide symptom relief.

The effectiveness of acupuncture for musculoskeletal pain and discomfort has been proven in numerous studies. However, there are also critics who doubt the effectiveness of acupuncture or attribute the effects to a placebo effect. It is therefore important to decide individually whether acupuncture is suitable as a form of therapy and to what extent it should be used. Acupuncture treatment should only be performed by a qualified physician or alternative practitioner.

Some syndromes:

  • Shoulder arm syndrome
    Radiating shoulder pain can be excellently relieved and cured with classical body acupuncture in combination with ear acupuncture.
  • Fibromyalgia
    Yin weakness coupled with reduction of structural forces.
    Muscle stiffness and nerve pain in combination with polyneuropathic pain (tingling, numbness, formication)
  • Back pain
    There are many reasons why most people suffer from back pain. Most often it is tension in the area of the back muscles as a result of incorrect posture at work, lack of stress due to insufficient time resources, weather sensitivity (wind, heat) and psychological stress, to which we are exposed every day anew.
    Since we deal with the musculoskeletal system on a daily basis, detailed anamneses and diagnoses are our basis for the further course of treatment, we can specifically create your therapy plan. Our goal is to send you home with a healthy, satisfied smile.
    For acute pain, as few as 2-3 sessions can provide significant relief.
    For chronic pain, approximately 10 – 20 sessions will be required.
  • Headache
    For migraine attacks, seizure-like headaches, cluster headaches, acupuncture can be a very good alternative. Many medications are taken for headaches.
    A painkiller helps only for a short time, but with acupuncture you can achieve long-acting results.