Calcific tendinitis, also known as tendinitis calcarea or calcium deposits in the shoulder tendon, is a painful condition of the shoulder caused by the accumulation of calcium deposits in the tendon. The condition can lead to pain, restricted movement and inflammation.

If calcified shoulder is suspected, the doctor will usually take a thorough history to understand your symptoms and find out if you may have any risk factors. He/she will then perform a physical examination of the shoulder to check for range of motion, strength and possible painful points.

Various imaging techniques may be used to confirm the diagnosis, including:
- X-rays: These can show calcium deposits in the shoulder and rule out other structural problems.
- Ultrasound: Ultrasound can visualize the calcification, inflammation and damage to the soft tissues.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): This more detailed imaging can provide accurate information about the tendons, muscles and other soft tissue structures.

Treatment of calcified shoulder can vary depending on severity and individual factors. Here are some possible treatment approaches:
- Conservative Therapy: Initially, conservative measures such as rest, physical therapy to strengthen muscles and improve mobility, and anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation.
- Injections: Sometimes corticosteroid injections are given into the affected area to relieve inflammation.
- Shockwave therapy: in stubborn cases, shockwave therapy can be used to break up the calcium deposits and promote healing.
- Minimally invasive procedures: In some cases, arthroscopic removal of calcium deposits may be considered.
- Surgery: if conservative treatments are not effective, surgery may be considered to remove the calcium deposits and inflamed tissue or to widen the constriction in the shoulder area.
Please note that proper diagnosis and treatment should be done by a specialist who will take into account your individual situation.