Appointment by arrangement

+43 1 369 7474 (reachable 7:00-21:00)

+43 1 369 7474 (reachable 7:00-21:00) Appointment by arrangement

+43 1 369 7474 (reachable 7:00-21:00) Appointment by arrangement

Hip arthroscopy

Arthroscopy is a special type of surgery, in the sense of keyhole surgery. Small accesses are placed by means of stab incision, which has become more and more established in recent years, especially for deep-seated joints – such as shoulder, knee, hip, ankle. This option can be used for diagnostic purposes, and if necessary, further treatment steps can be set.

Thanks to the small incisions, soft tissue damage can be minimized, thus the patient also experiences less pain and wound healing is very rapid.

Athletes (e.g. football players) or runners often suffer from unclear hip pain, radiating from the groin towards the buttocks. One also more often observes a great pain during internal rotation of the flexed hip joint. The most common cause of this pain is due to an entrapment symptom -impingement.

The reason can be found in the incongruence of the femoral head and the acetabulum, resulting in cartilage damage or injury to the acetabulum.


Clinical examination, magnetic resonance, computed tomography

Frequently asked questions

  • Therapy of cartilage damage in the hip joint
  • Ablation of free joint bodies in the hip joint
  • Treatment of diseases of the joint mucosa(synovitis) of the hip joint.
  • Treatment of damage to the joint lip (labral injury or damage).
  • Treatment of shape disorders of the hip joint (impingement of the hip)

The load limit of the leg is individually adjusted to the measures performed.

If a part of the bone is removed or cartilage damage is treated, partial weight-bearing will be necessary after the operation.

Physical rest – abstaining from sports for the first two weeks makes perfect sense!

Furthermore, depending on the procedure, we recommend aids and physiotherapy!!!