Appointment by arrangement

+43 1 369 7474 (reachable 7:00-21:00)

+43 1 369 7474 (reachable 7:00-21:00) Appointment by arrangement

+43 1 369 7474 (reachable 7:00-21:00) Appointment by arrangement


Kinesiotape is a special type of elastic tape used to support and treat various injuries and muscular problems. It is designed to allow the natural movement of the body while providing stability and support.

It can be used for a variety of injuries and conditions, including:

  • Stabilization of joints:
    Kinesiotape can be used to stabilize joints such as knees, shoulders, elbows and ankles and improve mobility. This can be useful when ligaments or tendons are overstretched or weakened.
  • Lymphatic drainage:
    Through special taping techniques, kinesiotape can help improve lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling. This can be helpful for edema or after injuries.
  • Muscle fiber tears:
    Kinesiotape can be used for minor muscle fiber tears or muscle pain. It can relieve pressure on the affected area and improve circulation to promote healing.
  • Improvement of muscle function:
    Kinesiotape can be used to optimize muscle activity and function. It can help correct muscle imbalances and improve proprioceptive sensitivity.

However, it is important to note that kinesiotape should not be used as a substitute for appropriate medical care or rehabilitation. It can be a complementary treatment method recommended by professionals such as physiotherapists or sports physicians.

The application of kinesiotape requires specific knowledge and skills to achieve optimal results. If you have an injury or are suffering from pain, you should always consult a qualified professional who can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend the appropriate treatment, including the use of Kinesiotape.